The Transfiguration of the Savior

The Transfiguration of the Savior is a fact from the life of Jesus Christ, during which Christ, after ascending Mount Tabor together with his disciples Peter, John and James, was transformed and shone with glory.

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According to these accounts, Jesus, along with three of the apostles Peter, James, and John, climbed a mountain (the Mount of Transfiguration, traditionally known as Mount Tabor) for prayer. There the three apostles sat down to rest and slept. When they woke up, they saw Jesus shining brightly and his clothes were white. Two men, Moses and the Prophet Elijah, were with him and talking. Then a cloud covered them and a voice was heard from heaven saying, “that is, this is my son, listen to him”.

The Transfiguration of the Savior is celebrated in many Christian churches as an important despotic celebration.

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