Saint Peter

Peter is one of the 12 disciples of Christ, who received from the first, together with his brother Andrew, the call of the Lord.

The Catholic Church considers him the founder of the Church of Rome, the first Pope of Rome and the first among the Apostles

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Peter came from Bethsaida in Galilee and was the son of Jonah. He was a fisherman, like most of the apostles.

His name, before meeting Christ, was Simon and in Syrian Kifas. He was named by Jesus Peter (in Greek Petros which comes from the word petra which means stone) because he had unshakable faith like a stone.

Peter was warm in nature, with a heart overflowing with love and spontaneous enthusiasm.

After the resurrection of Christ, Peter becomes a true stone of faith, an unshakable rock of love and excels in the apostolic work.

Tradition has it that he was crucified upside down. The action of the Apostle Peter contributed greatly to the spread and consolidation of Christianity. He wrote two letters in the last years of his life.

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