Jesus walks in the sea

Jesus walks in the sea.

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After the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and the fish, Jesus forced his disciples to leave quickly, get into the boat, and go back to the lake, so as not to be overwhelmed by the excitement of the crowd. He himself remained there and advised the crowd to disperse calmly. After they had all left, Jesus went up into a nearby hill and prayed fervently to his father. Around midnight a strong wind rose. The boat with the students was tormented by the waves. Jesus could see it from where he was. Near dawn, when the light was still dim, Jesus walked beside them on the waves. They saw him coming and thought he was a ghost. They were paralyzed by their fear. But he shouted at them: “Courage! I am, do not be afraid!And Peter said, Lord, if it be you, bid me come unto thee, walking upon the waters like unto thee.

“Come,” said the Lord, and Peter got down from the ship and walked on the water to get to Jesus. And while he was looking at Jesus, he was not afraid. At one point he thought about how unnatural what he was doing was, how strong the wind was and how high the waves were, he lost his faith and immediately began to sink. “Lord, save me! I’m drowning!” he shouted. Immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, saying, “Believe me, why are you afraid?

And then they both got on the ship and immediately the wind stopped. All who were on the ship fell on their knees and worshiped Jesus, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God!

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