
Annunciation of the Virgin

The word evangelism (Αnnunciation) refers to the joyful news of Christianity, the imminent birth of Jesus Christ, given by the archangel Gabriel to Mary.

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According to the Evangelist Luke, the event of the Evangelism took place in Nazareth, this insignificant village that we do not find even in the Old Testament. This despised area, from which people wondered if it could be what good it is? is the homeland of the parents of Mary and of the mother of Jesus herself and possibly of the minister Joseph. Eventually, however, Nazareth was historically honored as the special homeland of Jesus Christ, the so-called “Nazarene.”

According to tradition and evidence from many occult texts, the girl who was to become the mother of Jesus Christ lived in a poor house in Nazareth, where her daily life included, among other things, the spiritual pursuits imposed by the standard of the Jewish religion (prayer, study of the Scriptures, participation in the worship services of the Synagogue). Luke, after all, describes Mary as a pious Jew.

Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg
Dimensions 31 × 24 × 2.5 cm
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