Agios Panteleimon

Saint Panteleimon (formerly Panteleon) came from Nicomedia in Asia Minor and lived in the years of Maximian (286 – 305 AD).

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His father was Eustorgios, who was a national and after the instructions of his son, he became a Christian. His mother was Evvouli, who came from a Christian family.

He was educated in medicine by Euphrosyne, was catechized in the Christian faith and was baptized by the elder Hermolaus who was a priest of the Church of Nicomedia.

At one point when a viper bit a young man and actually killed him, Saint Panteleimon invoking Christ resurrected him.

Panteleon himself was brought before the king, who ordered his torture in order to deny his faith.

The Saint was severely tortured in various ways, finally, his beheading was ordered and then a voice was heard from heaven calling him not as P Panteleon but as Panteleimon.

But as soon as the executioner reached out to cut off the Saint’s head with his sword, the sword bent and the iron melted like a candle.

But then the Saint voluntarily surrendered to martyrdom. It is said that no blood flowed from his wound but milk and the olive tree, to which he had been tied, suddenly bore fruit.


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