Saint John the Forerunner and Baptist

The last and greatest of the Old Testament prophets. He is called “Forerunner”, because with his preaching and work he marked the coming of Jesus Christ and “Baptist” because he baptized people in the Jordan River where he baptized Jesus Christ.

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John was miraculously born of the priest Zacharias and old Elizabeth. She was a relative of Jesus Christ on her mother’s side and only six months older than him.

He lived an ascetic life in the desert and did not hesitate to control unequivocally and in person the injustice and the moral condition of the people of his time.

This led to the arrest and imprisonment of Herod Antipas, the ruler of Judea, who was living illegally with Herodias, the wife of Herod Philip’s brother.

Herodias persuaded her daughter Salome to ask for the “head of John on a table” as a birthday present & Herod Antipas to thank her ordered his beheading.

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